2001 - CD/CDR
Description : War in middle-east
Extraits : Costes

Bible And Machine-Gun sur Tochnit Aleph (2004), pétage de câbles en direct-live des territoires occupés qui balance au fond du même sac les fanatiques de tous bords, avec ses bluettes sodomites inter-ethniques "The Lemon Tree", ses envolées mystiques "Golgotha, my Golgotha !" et une vision hérétique de la conscience juive moderne (???) "Ashes above Auschwitz"… le reste est folie, hurlements, et absurdité totale - c'est comme là-bas, dis !
Blog Krashwar
The latest works by Jean-Luc Costes, nobodys darling and most-wanted artist by french law courts. Living in France, active since the 80s, he has released dozens of tapes, cds and records. On Bible and Machine Gun you'll find 21 english songs recorded august 2001, right before the War against Terror officially begun. as the album title suggests here Costes very heavily explores the situations of and between muslims and jews, israel and palestine, the bible and the gun, the nasty nazis and little mary.
Site Fusetron
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