1994 - CD
Description : Fantasmes Japonais
Extraits : Costes
Ça s’appelle Jap Jew, Juif Japonais. Les Japonais sont des Juifs au sens où je les agresse d’une manière nazie… J’accuse… Enfin, c’est le raisonnement parce que je n’ai jamais fait ça en anglais, justement. Toucher au truc raciste ou social en anglais parce que je ne connais pas bien la société anglaise ou américaine. Je ne ressens pas trop leur notion raciste vis-à-vis des noirs. Je ne comprends pas bien. Je comprends mieux le trip français contre les arabes. Je suis plus dans cette société-là. Donc, je n’avais jamais vraiment touché au truc politique, politique-raciste. J’avais envie de faire le CD politique-raciste, mélange cul-racisme mais en anglais. Je cherchais un sujet international, enfin, au-moins un racisme que je pouvais comprendre c’est celui des Américains pour les Japonais parce que cette image qu’on te donne des Japonais, envahisseurs économiques… Enfin, la guerre économique, qu’ils sont en train de nous bouffer, le péril jaune, la Chine va s’éveiller etc. On a une idée comme ça. On en est plus ou moins persuadé. Finalement, il y a un racisme anti-japonais assez semblable au racisme anti-juifs. J’ai développé cette idée-là. Comme quoi ils accroîtraient leur puissance financière en rachetant tout. Tout ce type de préjugés qu’il y a contre les Japonais, aux Etats-Unis et aussi en France. Comme ça j’ai pu faire un CD qui soit compris aux Etats-Unis parce que je pouvais partager avec eux cette peur. En même temps, c’est un CD qui peut bien se vendre au Japon. J’ai fait quelques titres en japonais dessus. La Japonais, quand on les agresse comme ça, ça les éclate en fait. Ils sont étonnés de se faire insulter, comme ça, par un mec.
Auteur : Jean-Louis Costes
Fanzine Amphetamines----------
One day I was surfing the Net looking for some nude pictures of Lisa Suckdog (don't ask where my fascination for her came from) and along the way I stumbled upon an interesting web site for this French guy Costes. My attention span being what it is, I found myself immediately distracted by this amazing frog who releases CDs almost as fast as Wesley Willis. I quickly decided to E-mail Mr. Costes, figuring that at the worst I would be told to go to hell and at the most I might score a free CD out of the deal. Two weeks later, my package from France arrives. Inside were three Costes CDs; Jap Jew, No Sex Boy (with Toshi Hiraoka) and The End Of The Trail. All three are abrasive, angry, psychotic & atonal, pure, unadulterated genius.
Jap Jew is an entire album's worth of xenophobic rants whose thesis states Japs now own everything (including the Jews) and they are the proprietors to be despised on this occasion. Costes' outrage is barely contained and bile oozes from the speakers at all times. When the litany of Jap-made vehicles is recited, you almost want to drive your Toyota over a cliff in a fit of blind jingoistic pride and allegiance to the Costes cause.
But then again, it might also be healthy to remind you of the all the wonderful French made cars I'll even list them for you. You know what? There are no well made French cars. The only French car I can think of would be the Renault and they're barely better than Yugos. Yes, Japs own everything but not your government, so at this point, I wouldn't sweat anything until they stop printing your stereo instructions in your native language. On the other hand, Costes' paranoia makes for some great music.
Archive Costes
The Sly-Wandering Vagrant was headed to Europe, so I encouraged him to hunt down Costes to see if he was still alive. It's been four years since he soiled our soil, and he was found in his usual haunted hole, and evidence was procured. It seems Costes has been making excursions into the Orient, waving his oui-wee about the japanese.
Jap Jew is racist spew of corporate conspiracy theories some may dismiss because Japan has no real army and GATT changed the free-trade stakes, but never underestimate the yakuza (if you are to believe they are behind the Oklahoma City bombing). Obviously Costes has been playing too many youth corrupting video games (the real battle zone is in our mental states) and the koopas have messed with his already sketchy mind and so his new bete noire is the Japs. The first track, "Jap Pot", for example, consists of blasts and bleeps to make Blip McPong proud as the body count rises...and in the end, Costes insidiously awards himself the "all-times highest score - 1,000,00 dead Japs!" It goes on from there with a barrage of mega-byte boners, graphic graphics, geisha mockery, threats, laughs, insults and onslaughts aimed at the ennemy techmakers. Costes is rabid in his denouncement of the Far East's industry wizardry, and like Gaul Revere, yelling about the yellow stain while riding yoshi with a french tickler. Perhaps his most offensive, degrading, violent, loudest moments yet, he takes out wimpy, talentless Masonna-noise merely by the gaseous flex of his raging buttocks.
Archive Costes